Edinburgh Freelance Creatives Practice Support Fund - update
Today we announced the results of the final round of the Practice Support Fund we have delivered in partnership with Creative Edinburgh with funds from the City of Edinburgh Council. All the applicants have been notified and the Fund is now closed.
Since January 20221, the Practice Support Fund has funded a total of 84 Edinburgh-based freelance creative practitioners with awards of up to £500 to support their practices as the effects of Covid-19 are felt across the creative industries and performing arts sector. We were overwhelmed by the response to the Fund, which received a total of 615 applications over the 3 rounds. This amounted to nearly £300,000 of diverse creative work, projects and activities - far more than the £41,000 available was able to support.
Creative Edinburgh and EPAD will continue working together to respond to the insights gained from delivering the Practice Support Fund. The findings which the Fund has highlighted will be shared with our networks and used to champion the case for further support and opportunities for freelance creatives, technicians and performing artists.