EPAD Platform - Wednesday 23 March

At the next Platform we will welcome Fronteiras Theatre Lab who will showcase an excerpt of Placeholder, the first play by Edinburgh-based artist of colour, Catherine Bisset.

St Domingue, 1790. One year and one day before an uprising of rebel slaves will ignite what is now known as the Haitian Revolution. In La Comédie de Port-Au-Prince, Minette waits, holding a seat for her mistress, but the auditorium fumes conjure up ghosts from her past.

Placeholder tells the story of an enslaved woman and her daughter, a character who is based on a real opera singer who performed in Haiti in the 1790s just before the Haitian Revolution. Given a powerful performance by Catherine, the production was recently short-listed for Production of the Year by The Framework Theatre awards.

Catherine Bisset and Flavia D'Avila - the project's director and producer - will join us to show a short video and talk about creating the piece. You will have a chance to give feedback and ask questions.

You can book your place here.


EPAD events in collaboration with The Lyceum Wonder Festival


Co-working is back!!